21.2. Configure

Configuration files for different services are very specific depending on your needs and your network architecture. People can install DNS Servers at home as a caching-only server, though companies may install it with primary, secondary and caching DNS servers.

Note: All the configuration files required for each software described in this book has been provided by us as a gzipped file, floppy.tgz for your convenience. This can be downloaded from this web address: http://www.openna.com/books/floppy.tgz You can unpack this to any location on your local machine, say for example /tmp, assuming you have done this your directory structure will be /tmp/floppy. Within this floppy directory each configuration file has its own directory for respective software. For example BIND-DNS configuration file are organised like this:

    total 24
drwxr-xr-x    2 harrypotter    harrypotter        4096 Jun  8 13:00 Caching-Only-DNS/
-rw-r--r--    1 harrypotter    harrypotter         484 Jun  8 13:00 Compile-BIND
drwxr-xr-x    2 harrypotter    harrypotter        4096 Jun  8 13:00 Primary-Master-DNS/
drwxr-xr-x    2 harrypotter    harrypotter        4096 Jun  8 13:00 Secondary-Slave-DNS/
-rwx------    1 harrypotter    harrypotter         300 Jun  8 13:00 bind.sh*
drwxr-xr-x    3 harrypotter    harrypotter        4096 Jun  8 13:00 init.d/
You can either cut and paste this directly if you are faithfully following our instructions from the begining or manually edit these to modify to your needs. This facility is there though as a convenience but please don't forget ultimately it will be your responsibility to check, verify, etc. before you use them whether modified or as it is.

To run a caching-only name server, the following files are required and must be created or copied to the appropriate directories on your server.

  1. Copy the named.conf file to the /etc/ directory.

  2. Copy the db.127.0.0 file to the /var/named/ directory.

  3. Copy the db.cache file to the /var/named/ directory.

  4. Copy the named script file to the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory.

To run a master name server, the following files are required and must be created or copied to the appropriate directories on your server.

  1. Copy the named.conf file to the /etc/ directory.

  2. Copy the db.127.0.0 file to the /var/named/ directory.

  3. Copy the db.cache file to the /var/named/ directory.

  4. Copy the db.208.164.186 file to the /var/named/ directory.

  5. Copy the db.openna file to the /var/named/ directory.

  6. Copy the named script file to the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory.

To run a slave name server, the following files are required and must be created or copied to the appropriate directories on your server.

  1. Copy the named.conf file to the /etc/ directory.

  2. Copy the db.127.0.0 file to the /var/named/ directory.

  3. Copy the db.cache file to the /var/named/ directory.

  4. Copy the named script file to the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory.

Tip: You can obtain the configuration files listed over the next few sections on the floppy.tgz archive. Copy the following files from the decompressed floppy.tgz archive to the appropriate places, or copy them directly from this book to the concerned file.